50 Patterns, WOW

I will launch my new website with the first 50 patterns added.
I’m so excited! These patterns were all created in 2022, since my big return in February. While I have created a whole lot more, these are the charts I will initially start with.

What if I want something that is not on this website, but I know it was on the old website? Very simply, email me using the contact button on the main page, and let me know what it is you are looking for. Just because it’s not on this website, doesn’t mean I can’t potentially sell it!

Reach out to me and let me know how I can help you pick your pattern today!

Feeling thankful,



  1. marlyanne.king

    New Website looks amazing!!! Absolutely love it❤️❤️❤️ and love all the great patterns!!!!

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